International Geomorphology Week 2021
Prehľad geomorfologického výskumu na Slovensku (výber z prác slovenských geomorfológov)
  Juraj Kapusta, Martin Boltižiar et al.: Changes in geomorphic effectiveness of debris flows in the High Tatra Mts. within the last six decades (on the examples of the Velická dolina Valley and the Dolina Zeleného plesa Valley)

  Wojciech Rączkowski, Martin Boltižiar et al.: Geomorfologická mapa Tatier, 1:100 000

  Miloš Rusnák et al.: UAV technology for landscape classification and mapping

  Miloš Rusnák et al.: The potential of UAV photogrammetry for river morphology changes detection: avulsion channel evolution on the gravel bed River Ondava, Slovakia

  Ján Novotný et al.: Some problems of fluvial geomorphological research in Slovakia

  Ján Novotný: How a man changes the river (the Váh River in the 20th Century case study)
the Váh River story (some of the stories)

  Ján Novotný: Geomorfologická analýza Kysuckých bradiel

  Alena Gessert et al.: Intensity
of chemical denudation
by the limestone plates at two
localities in the Slovak Karst

  Mária Bizubová: Pohorie Žiar
v kontexte neotektonického vývoja
Západných Karpát

  Ján Sládek, Mária Bizubová: Vyšehradské sedlo
Kľúč k poznaniu vývoja Žiaru?

  Milan Lehotský et al.: Flooding and geomorphic evolution of modern floodplain – case study of the Danube river downstream the Devínska brána gate

  Anna Kidová et al.: Hydrodynamic and morphological evaluation of post-flood
management works impact on multi-thread river system
as a part of NATURA 2000 network
(the Belá River case study, SKUEV0141)

  Anna Kidová et al.: Quantification of morphological changes in river channels and its impact on flood risk (Topľa and Bečva River case studies)

  Anna Kidová et al.: Post-flood Period Serial Geomorphic Analysis (POPSEGA) - structure and application
