Geomorphologia Slovaca, I, 2001

* Úvodné slovo
* Ján Urbánek: Selected problems of Slovak geomorphology
Vybrané problémy geomorfológie Slovenska
* Inna N. Leznowa, Walerian A. Snytko, Tadeusz Szczypek:
Anthropogenic relief of Cheremkhovo coal basin (Eastern Siberia)
Rzeżba antropogeniczna na obszare czeremchowskiego zaglębia węglowego (Wschodnia Syberia)
* Ľudovít Mičian: Contribution to the development of hypothesis about neogene geomorphic triolas in the Bratislava's part of Little Carpathians
Príspevok k rozvoju hypotézy o neogénnych geomorfologických triolách v bratislavskej časti Malých Karpát
* Juraj Činčura:
The Malé Karpaty Mts. - Young mountains with old landforms
Malé Karpaty - mladé pohorie so starými formami povrchu
* Ján Lacika:
Geomorphologic evolution of the Hnilec valey
Geomorfologický vývoj doliny Hnilca
* Pavel Mentlík:
The use of GIS for the mapping of planation surfaces
Použití GIS při mapování zarovnaných povrchů
* Jozef Jakál:
Karstic peripheral plains and the sub-middle mountain level
Krasové okrajové roviny a podstredohorská roveň
* Zdenko Hochmuth, Dušan Barabas:
Contribution to the Karst hydrology of the eastern part of Slovak Karst area and surroundings
Príspevok k problematike krasovej hydrológie východnej časti Slovenského krasu a priľahlých území
* Pavel Bella:
To the palaeogeomorphological development of fluviokarstic caves in the Demänovské Hills on the northern side of the Nízke Tatry Mts.
K paleogemorfologickému vývoju fluviokrasových jaskýň v Demänovských vrchoch na severnej strane Nízkych Tatier
* Juraj Činčura, Ľubica Puškelová:
Red calys in the Malé Karpaty Mts. - origin and age
Červenozeme Malých Karpát - pôvod a vek
* Zdeněk Máčka, Karel Kirchner:
Recent dynamics of anastomosing channel pattern of Morava river in the Hornomoravský graben (Czech Rep.)
Recentní dynamika anastomózniho říčního vzoru řeky Moravy v Hornomoravskem úvalu (Česká rep.)
* Rudolf Midriak:
Recent and present-day morphogenesis of relief in supramontane, subalpine and alpine belts of the Tatra Mts., Slovakia
Recentná a súčasná morfogenéza reliéfu supramontánneho, subalpínskeho a alpínskeho stupňa Tatier (Slovensko)
* Karel Kirchner, Oldřich Krejčí, Zdeněk Máčka:
Geomorphological aspects of significant slope deformations in the eastern Moravia
Geomorfologické aspekty výrazných svahových deformací na východní Moravě
* Ján Urbánek:
The new paradigm of Slovak geomorphology?
Nová paradigma slovenskej geomorfológie?
* Spravodaj Asociácie slovenských geomorfológov pri SAV
P. Bella:
To the palaeogeomorphological development of fluviokarstic caves in the Demänovské Hills on the northern side of the Nízke Tatry Mts.
Abstract. Geomorphologia Slovaca, 1, 2001, 1, 1 fig., 1 tab., 66 refs., 54-63.
The reconstruction of fluviokarst cave spaces development and the determination of its geochronology in relation to major phases of planation and downcutting of surface georelief is possible on the basis of altitude position of caves or their parts from the aspect of Neogene planation surfaces residues. The origin of subhorizontal passages in the upper part of the Old Castle Cave by past alochtonous waters was probably connected with the formation or the beginning dissection of intramontane planation surface (1 450-1 400 m a. s. l.). Several inclined or cascade parts in the Old Castle Cave and the Záskočie Cave were formed in relation to a ponor zone or invasion ponors during the dissection of intramontane planation surface and the folow-up downcutting of surface georelief. The origin of the Grand Canyon in the Old Castle Cave was probably determined by a long-term stabilization of the erosion base during the formation of submontane planation surface (1 250-1 225 m a. s. l.). In the Old Castle Cave and the Záskočie Cave, there are also inclined passages and cascade abysses formed by corrosion and erosion effect of inactive or active autochtonous underground streams from cumulative infiltration precipitation waters. The hydraulic gradient of these underground streams increased in dependence on the downcutting of the Jánska Valley bottom. The origin of several caves in the Demänová Hills (e. g. Mošnica Cave) can be more or less related to the tectonic stability during the formation of river planation surface (1050-1 000 m, respectively 1 000-950 m a. s. l.). Lower situated cave levels in the Demänová and Jánska Valleys are correlated to the development of river terraces in the Quaternary period. In certain places, cave levels are connected by inclined or steep channels that were formed by waters from hanging ponors in the side slope valleys.
Key words: geomorphology, speleology, palaeoreconstruction of cave genesis, cave levels, Demänovské Hills, Nízke Tatry Mts., Western Carpathians
J. Činčura:
The Malé Karpaty Mts. - Young mountains with old landforms
Abstract. Geomorphologia Slovaca, 1, 2001, 1, 26 refs., 20-25.
The Malé Karpaty Mts. represent the westernmost core mountain of the Western Carpathians and appear as an isolated island/horst of Pre-Tertiary basement between Cenozoic Vienna and Pannonian Basins. Malé Karpaty Mts. are important in the context of the Eastern Alpine-Western Carpathian correlation.. This mountain bear some typical features of both systems, the Carpathian influence being the more pronounced one.
One of the typical features of the southern part of the Malé Karpaty Mts. are levelled plateaus. They are mostly developed on granitoids. The plateaus are supposed to be of Pannonian (Upper Miocene age). But the Miocene molasse deposits reach in the Vienna and Pannonian Basins great thickness. The Pannonian was in the intra Carpathian region a period with high teconic activity. On the basis of the above facts, it is not very probable that during the Upper Mioccene (Pannonian) a regionally widerspead levelled surface would have developed id the Malé Karpaty Mts.
We suppose the levelled plateaus on granitoids to be remains of a Late Variscan peneplain, which originated during the Late Permian. The surface of this peneplain was buried and conservated by terrestrial deposits of Lower Triassic age and subsequently-during the Middle Triassic - transformed into a vast shelf.
The crystalline basement of the Malé Karpaty Mts. was probably never exposed during the Mesozoic. It carried a continuous, mostly deep-marine sedimentary cover, which was overriden by cover nappes and covered by Senonian and Paleogene deposits.
Gradual Middle Miocene uplift of the granitoids was compensated by basin subsidence, e. g. by the Badenian uplift of the Tatric granitoid masif of the Malé Karpaty Mts. as a source of the conglomerates of the breccias of Devínska Nová Ves Beds transported to the Vienna Basin. In this time started also the exhumation of the buried remnants of the Late Variscan peneplain and their upheaval to the errosional level.
Key words: The Miocene uplift, plateaus, granitoides, exhumation, Neo-Variscan relief
J. Činčura, Ľ. Puškelová:
Red calys in the Malé Karpaty Mts. - origin and age
Abstract. Geomorphologia Slovaca. 1, 2001, 1, 1 tab., 21 refs., 64-68.
This study covers the geochemistry of red ferrugineous clays or silty clays - the karstic traps infillings of the westernmost core mountain of the Western Carpathians. The infillings were analysed in regard of grain-size distribution, clay minerals, trace and major elements. The paleokarst is developed on Middle/Upper Triassic carbonate complex of the Hronic (Choč) superficial nappe system. The karstic traps represent a scale of different karst hollows-fissures, widened by karst dissolution, shallow doline-like and deeper, canyon-like depressions.
Grain-size composition: Red clays/silty clays occurring in the karstic traps represent a two- to three component system in which the clay fraction is predominant (up to 75-80 %). The content of silt particles is relatively constant (15-18 %). The content of sand particles varies between 5-7 %. In the contrast to the insoluble residue of underlying limestones, which have a clayey character, the red clays contain also abundant admixture of silt as well as sandy grains.
Trace elements: Trace elements in the underlying limestones, with the exception of Sr, are present in very low amount. High values of Zr, Ni, Cr and V in red clays indicate, that one of the sources could be alkaline rocks. The material of weathering products was transported from the place of its origin by water and partly by wind. In the area of occurrence of karstified carbonates, it was washed into sedimentary karstic traps. Trace elements are pointing to allochthonous origin of red clay material. Paleokarst so records past evolutions during important erosive periods of subaerial destruction.
Clay minerals: Clay material of the insoluble residue of underlying limestones consists of illite and a small quantity of chlorite. There is a much wider range of clay minerals present in the red infillings (smectite, kaolinite and illite). The mineralogical composition of red clays varies relatively strongly from place to place. In assessing the problem of allochthony or autochthony we consider rapid changes in the mineralogical composition of clay minerals of individual samples, to be significant indicators.
Key words: red clays, weather crust, allochtony origin, karstic traps
Z. Hochmuth, D. Barabas:
Contribution to the Karst hydrology of the eastern part of Slovak Karst area and surroundings
Abstract. Geomorhologica Slovaca. 1, 2001, 1, 4 fig., 21 refs., 46-53.
The hydrological conditions of the eastern part of the Slovenský kras (Slovak Karst) and the Jasov Plateau are noted for several interesting facts. In this area there exist hydrologically separate structures: the southern part of the plateau is separated from the northern part by the "Miglinc" valley and by the elevation of non-karst co-layers. Nowadays, the surfaces of both parts of the plateau are drained only by infiltration, the infiltrated water concentrates probably not deep under the surface. The plateau is drained by separate "mountain type" caves where vertical sections alternate with sloped slices. In many cases the plateau is drained through much older subterranean passages. The existence of a shallow phreatic zone, which is probably developing paralelly with the surface flow of the Hájska valley and the surface flow of the Bodva River, has been proved. On the southern border of the area an interesting combination of the foot dislocation can be found. This leads to the rise of the subterranean linear formations. On the eastern border obviously does not exist any similar phenomenon, there the rise of labyrinth caves can be observed. Finally, the apparent divergence of this section upsetram has been observed. This fact can be explained by different mechanisms of the formation of the stable elongated profile of the surface river valley and the cave (river) passage.
The correlation of the water marks of the Bodva River and the Hess Lake in the Jasov Cave has shown the general declining trend of all parameters (precipiation, flow, water mark). The mutual coherence of those parameters is the most plausible in the Bodva River flow course and the substantiality of the Drienovec spring.
Key words: Karst hydrology, Slovak Karst
Jakál, J.:
Karstic peripheral plains and the sub-middle mountain level.
Abstract. Geomorphologia Slovaca. 1, 2001, 1, 2 fig., 1 tab., 19 refs., 40-45.
Recent geomorphologic studies from the area of the Western Carpathians suggest the possibility of occurrence of another planated level, the sub-middle mountain level, which lies at the level between so far proved river level and middle-mountain planated surface. Its existence is estimated relying on its comparison with relief forms previously denoted karstic peripheral plains (Jakál 1983). Large altitude difference of their situation over the present bottom of the river valleys and below the middle-mountain planated surface indicates spatial and temporal disproportion in the individual mountain ranges of the Western Carpathians making it difficult to classify them within the chronology of planated surfaces.
Key words: relief of the Western Carpathians, sub-middle mountain level, karstic plains
K. Kirchner, O. Krejčí, Z. Máčka:
Geomorphological aspects of significant slope deformations in the eastern Moravia.
Abstract. Geomorphologia Slovaca, 1, 2001, 1, 28 refs., 79-83.
Slope deformations form distinctive relief of flysch highlands and mountains of the Outer Western Carpathians in the eastern Moravia. Role of slope deformations in the Pleistocene and Holocene development was underestimated at a number of sites in this region. Landforms of these sites were usually geomorphologicaly interpreted as cryogenic forms. Slope deformations of the investigated area are usually being activated by extreme meteorological situations. Existence of extreme meteorological situations and consequent activation and development of numerous and extensive slope deformations brings about an idea of the important role of slope movements as modelling agent of relief. Extreme precipitation in June 1997 caused activation and development of numerous slope deformations (especially landslides) in eastern Moravia. Slope deformations remodelled expressively relief and disturbed infrastructure of landscape.
We present geomorphological features of the selected localities: Bystřička activated landslides, Křížový vrch Hill, Hradisko Mt., Kněhyně-Čertův Mlýn area - fossil landslides. Formerly mentioned frost-riven cliffs are interpreted as scar of rock block slide, small structural ridges and plains as slide blocks of slope deformations, cryoplanation terraces as lower situated landslide blocks with sandstone scree. Upper parts of structurally controlled landslides have a form of slope dells.
Key words: slope deformations, geomorphology, Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Republic
J. Lacika:
Geomorphologic evolution of the Hnilec valey.
Abstract. Geomorphologia Slovaca, 1, 2001, 1, 4 fig., 15 refs., 26-34.
The basin of the Hnilec river bears several special traits. It differs considerably from other river basins in the territory of the Slovenské Karpaty Mt. This fact calls for deeper study and a more detailed geomorphologic research. This study presents the results of the analysis of geomorphologic networks, i.e. the network of valleys and inter-valley ridges. Several attributes of these networks were analysed, in case of valleys they were: texture, hierarchy, density, linearity, and asymmetry. In case of elevation networks the analyses focused on water divides, their sea level altitudes, relative altitude above the erosional base. The territories in question looks like regressively developing basins with a tendency of reduction in favour of the neighbouring basins. The process consists of the retreating water divide as the result of headward erosion of the streams and of piracy. The shift of water divide differs depending on the rate of the barrier effect of the water divide. Analyses showed the most vulnerable stretches of the water divide of the Hnilec river (sections with the lowest barrier effect) where the above-mentioned reduction of basin could have occurred. Sections of water divide between the villages of Hnilčík and Bindt and the saddles of Kopanec near the Dobšinská Ľadová jaskyňa and the Vernár above the village of Pusté Pole in the spring part of the Hnilec river can be captured in the direction of the Hornád basin. Potential valley piracy was also identified in the southern section of the water divide between the Hnilec and Slaná rivers and it has presumably happened in the water divide between the Dedinky in the basin of the Hnilec and Dobšiná in the basin of Slaná. There is no probability of incidence of piracy across the relatively high barrier of the water divide between the basins of the Hnilec and the Bodva (in the wider environs of Smolník). Slow pushing of the water divide of the more intense headward erosion of the tributaries Bodva to the side of the Smolnícka valley with the 210 m higher situated local erosional base is more probable.
Key words: Hnilec valley, valley network, morphotectonic, piracy
Z. Máčka, K. Kirchner:
Recent dynamics of anastomosing channel pattern of Morava river in the Hornomoravský graben (Czech Rep.).
Abstract. Geomophologia Slovaca, 1, 2001, 1, 1 tab., 12 refs., 69-73.
The detailed survey of channel pattern was carried out within the northern part of Hornomoravský graben . In the 20 km long reach of Morava river evolved the anastomosing channel pattern, which was profoundly influenced by human activities during the last two centuries. Channelization of main stream channel caused the transition from the anastomosing to meandering channel pattern. Two dominant fluvial processes are acting within the floodplain in the present time: a. an increasing dynamics and incision of main bedload stream channel, b. degradation of the system of multiple side channels by sedimentation of fine sediments deposited by flood discharges and accretion of floodplain. Further research is carried out about the character and age of fluvial deposits within the branches of anastomosing river system and stream reconnaissance survey is conducted to identify the present day fluvial processes.
Key words: channel patern, anasomosing, meandring, fluvial landfors and processes, Morava river, Hornomoravský graben, Czech Republic
P. Mentlík:
The use of GIS for the mapping of planation surfaces.
Abstract. Geomorphologia Slovaca. 1, 2001, 1, 4 fig., 16 refs., 35-39.
The presented contribution describes the use of GIS in the mapping and geomorphic analysis of the planation surfaces in the summit, event. ridge parts of highlands. The means of GIS (concretely ArcView GIS 3.1 with the extentions of 3D Analyst and Spatial Analyst) were used for completing the analysis. The working process can be summed up into the following phases:
1. Formation of DMT of the area concerned (in the form of TIN). This part of work contains the greatest problems. It is not only possible to use the isohypses, neither from the large-scale maps to make the geomorphic analysis, because they do not always correspond with the reality. With the progressing delopment of technology it may be possible using the GPS in the areas where great changes of the slope tilts will be found.
2. Formation of thematic layers for GIS. In this phase of work the methodology of geomorphological mapping is to be followed (Demek (edit.) 1972). Especially for the possibility of future completion of a geomorphological map of the area concerned. In this phase we make other grids from the completed TIN (a map of the tilts and expositions of the slopes).
3. Combination and analysis of the layers. The concept of the geomorphic analysis and some of its parts - according to Urbánek (2000) it was made by means of some tools of the GIS. In the followed area 11 planation surfaces were found, 7 of them were identified by means of the basic tools of the used applications and a theory was formed that describes the genesis of the ridge parts as a whole.
Key words: geomorphic analysis, planation surfaces, GIS, kryogenic forms
M. Mičian:
Contribution to the development of hypothesis about neogene geomorphic triolas in the Bratislava's part of Little Carpathians.
Abstract. Geomophologia Slovaca, 1, 2001, 1, 5 fig., 12 refs., 15-19.
In this study is being widened the validity of the first definition of neogene geomorphic triolas (Mičian 2000) so that it includes its new types. These are demonstrated cartographically (fig. 1 - 5). Besides of that, the first outline of the triolas classification is provided.
Key words: planated surfaces, neogene geomorphic triolas, classification and examples of triolas.
R. Midriak:
Recent and present-day morphogenesis of relief in supramontane, subalpine and alpine belts of the Tatra Mts., Slovakia.
Abstract. Geomophologia Slovaca, 1, 2001, 1, 16 refs., 74-77.
A surface of the Tatra Mts. on the Slovak side is 53,553 ha area. There were formed some very different types of relief. Nearly on 89% of the surface an erosive-denudation relief is predominated. Fluvial relief with numerous side ridges has covered 29%, smooth grassy relief above the timberline covers 41% and glacial relief 30% of the area.
Over 40 valley glaciers have shaped the Tatra Mts. during the Wűrm lacial stage. After deglacialization of vallies 105 glacial lakes were formed. The Pleistocene snow line fluctuated from 1,550 m to 1,760 m a. s. l. there. The surface above isohypse of 1,800 - 1,850 m a. s. l. is characterized as the subalpine and/or the alpine belt.
The author deals with a present-day morphogenesis of the surface separately in supramontane-, subalpine- and alpine belt as well as with a rate of such relief-forming processes as water erosion, aeolian erosion, nivation, creeping, solifluction, frost-heaving, chemical denudation, snow avalanching, rockfalling, debris flowing etc.
Key words: high mountain morphogenesis, geomorfic processes, rate of slope lowering, the Tatra Mts.
Inna N. Leznova, Valerian A. Snytko, Tadeusz Szczypek:
Anthropogenic relief of Cheremkhovo coal basin (Eastern Siberia).
Abstract. Geomophologia Slovaca, 1, 2001, 1, 7 fig., 11 refs., 9-14.
Since the end of the 19th centuryin the area of Cheremkhovo Coal Basin (fig. 1) the Jurassic black coal is exploited. Up to 1950 there were underground mines, whereas since this period - opencast mining. The last one caused significant transformation of terrain relief. The process of relief anthropogenisation (without built-up areas and communication lines) was presented in fig. 2-4. They are result of topographic maps analysis on the scale 1:100 000 and they present actual state of relief in the years 1945, 1974 and 1993. In 1945 there were not excavations of black coal, but only underground mines. The relief - as was presented on topographical map - was not essentially changed. In 1974 the total area of actual excavations amounted to 28 sq. km, what made 14,6% of analysed area. In 1993 active excavations had area of about 36 sq. km, so they occupied 18,2% of this area. Therefore in the years 1974-1993 the total area of excavations amounted to 54 sq. km (28,1% in area). Presently (2001) it is difficult to estimate the area of active black coal excavations owing to the lack of access to detailed data.
The main feature of mining relief of the Cheremkhovo Coal Basin is the occurrence for a large number of both dumping grounds of 30-40 m high and excavations of different size and the depth of 40-50 m (photo 1). Coal is exploited from the bottom of excavations by excavators (photo 2). After coal exploitation the depressions are often filled with water, creating numerous anthropogenic water reservoirs (photo 1). Typical dumping grounds, which occurred at underground mines (photo 3) are of any landscape importance, because only some of them remained.
J. Urbánek:
Selected problems of Slovak geomorphology.
Abstract. Geomorphologia Slovaca, 1, 2001, 1, 2 refs., 6-8.
The paper highlights the principle of equifinality. This principle asserts that similar forms can have different genesis. The principle of equifinality has to be taken into account above all in the cases of planated surfaces and valley systems. If the principle of equifinality is valid then the universal interpretation scheme applied to the whole of the Slovak Carpathians Mts. cannot be valid.
Key words: equifinality, planated surfaces, valley systems, morphostructure
J. Urbánek:
The new paradigm of Slovak geomorphology?
Abstract. Geomorphologia Slovaca, 1, 2001, 1, 84-90.
The paper reflects the fundamental movement in Slovak geomorphology. The ongoing changes are evaluated as the change of paradigma. It describes the old paradigm, which presumes simultaneous development of the Slovak Carpathians. It also characterises the intellectual climate, which gave origin to the old paradigm. New paradigm and the method leading to it is outlined.
Key words: paradigm, reflection, planated surfaces, geomorphological mapping